Benefits of developing an eCommerce mobile application for business

5 min readApr 25, 2023
benefits of developing an ecommerce app

In today’s modern business environment, it’s quite evident that mobile apps are playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap between brands and consumers. eCommerce applications are assisting companies in understanding their clients better.

As compared to websites, e-commerce mobile apps offer advanced speed, comfort, and versatility. Businesses can now reach their target customers anywhere and anytime.

According to, in 2021, mobile e-commerce revenue reached $3.56 trillion, accounting for more than half of the total e-commerce sales. These stats prove that the future of eCommerce is mobile application development.

In this article, we will dive into the importance of mobile apps for e-commerce business and how they can help you grow. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Benefits of ecommerce mobile apps for your business

In this section, we have highlighted the main benefits of ecommerce mobile apps and ecommerce app development services that drive customer engagement and help in boosting sales.

1. Increased customer satisfaction

Although a mobile app is a copy of the existing website, it is highly optimized, personalized, and well-designed, significantly improving customer experience and retaining new clients. Mobile apps help users to choose goods and purchase them online without the hustle and bustle.

By integrating new technologies into your e-commerce application development, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AR & VR, etc., you will become able to collect valuable insights related to your users, like:

  • What do they like?
  • What time do they usually prefer buying online?
  • What ecommerce app development factors to consider?
  • How much time do they take to make the buying decision?

Once you have answers to all these questions, you can offer your customers an optimized shopping experience to boost your sales via ecommerce app development.

2. Secure payment options

With app development for ecommerce business, it becomes easy to make financial transactions by integrating secured payment options like UPI, credit cards, debit cards, Paypal, digital wallets, etc. In contrast to regularly typing the same information on the site, it is smoother for a user to save all the banking details in the mobile app.

Additionally, payment-related information is secured, and there is an appropriate level of data security with e-commerce application development. Fingerprint Sensor Technology can also be utilized to reduce the risk of unauthorized use of your debit or credit card. You can also consult top eCommerce app development companies for developing a mobile app with secure payment options.

3. Increased responsiveness

Another major benefit of app development for ecommerce business over websites is that it takes considerably less time to complete an action. Extracting data via mobile applications is much speedier as compared to websites. As a result, your consumer will not become frustrated and abandon your app.

4. Improved marketing communication

Without ecommerce application development, e-commerce businesses will be relying on customers navigating directly to their websites to have any chance of driving conversions.

But how frequently will the same customer come back to your website? Even your loyal customers won’t need to buy something every day or even every week.

To solve this issue, you will have to spend on other marketing channels, such as email communication and social media campaigns, to reach your customer base. But with a mobile app, you can communicate with your customers through a much better way, i.e., push notifications.

According to Xtify, open rates with push notifications are as high as 30% to 60%, compared to just 20% of emails. Once the message is opened, 40% of people click or interact with a push notification compared to just 5.4% of emails.

Clearly, push notifications offer a great way to connect with your users. With this feature, you can send targeted messages on a user’s home screen, just like a text. When that message gets opened, the user will be directed to the application straight away, and it will be so much easier for them to buy products and services from you.

5. Reduced card abandonment rates

As compared to mobile websites and desktop sites, mobile apps have the lowest cart abandonment rate. Reason? Mobile apps have a simple checkout process. Once a customer purchases an item, their shipping and payment details are saved in the app.

This allows them to check out faster the next time they purchase anything through the app. A complicated checkout process will cause a customer to abandon their cart. By reducing the number of steps within a mobile app, the abandonment rates can be kept as low as possible.

6. Personalized shopping experience

For the success of your e-commerce business, providing a customized shopping experience to the users is prudent. Opting for app development for ecommerce business helps recognize the regular purchasing pattern and browsing history of users. This, in turn, helps to offer personalized options for users. When effectively planned and combined with push notification strategies, it can work wonders for your marketing campaigns and sales.

Rather than sending the same push notification to everyone with your m-commerce app, you can send targeted notifications based on a user’s preferences.

This can also help you send customized marketing campaigns as per the user’s taste.

On the other hand, for users, an eCommerce mobile app makes the job simpler as they can see their purchase history, which makes it possible for them to quickly reorder repeat purchases.

As per the latest study, 63% of users want a personalized experience when shopping online. This number is up from 57% in just two years ago. So overall, this is another rising trend.


Well, we hope this article was helpful in understanding the advantages of developing ecommerce and how they can revolutionize the shopping experience for users. eCommerce app development also helps to increase brand loyalty and reduce cart abandonment rates.

If you are looking to develop your own e-commerce mobile app or want to know about ecommerce app development cost, you can contact a reliable ecommerce application development company. The experts will guide you through the whole process and offer you the best ecommerce app development services.




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