Dos and Don’ts for Hiring an App Marketing Agency

5 min readJun 16, 2022

In the current era of digitalization, users have changed their consumption habits. Smartphones are mainstream and have transformed the way we access the internet. This, in turn, has influenced organizations to dive into mobile app development and grow their business tremendously.

With the increasing competition in the app market, it is necessary for any company to focus on digital strategies and leverage the power of digital platforms to promote their mobile app. Companies are looking to outsource their marketing campaigns to app marketing agencies to achieve this.

When a company outsources marketing efforts to an agency, it basically gives the power to create, recommend, analyze, and amend the technical and creative strategies. So, choosing the right app marketing company is important for your business value. If you are looking for tips to hire a marketing agency or how to hire a marketing agency, you must follow the right procedure to hire the right marketing partner.

So, when hiring an app marketing agency, you must check out the list of Dos and Don’ts. But before that, let’s understand why you need to hire an app marketing agency.

Why you need to hire an app marketing agency

When you decide to develop a mobile app for your business, you conduct ample research to develop the right application. But what to do after you’ve developed the app. A major question arises, how you will promote your app in the market. If you’re thinking about expanding your in-house marketing team, it will increase the budget as finding resources with expertise is too challenging and an additional workload.

As per Statista, there are over 3.2 million apps on Google Play Store, 2.1 million on Apple App Store, and over 475K apps on Amazon Appstore. With an unbeatable competition, starting your app marketing strategies earlier during the development process is necessary and ensuring it meets your objectives. Online marketing services providers are experts in the digital arena and assist you with 360 support from strategy creation to recommending the platforms.

app marketing

Things to do while hiring a mobile app marketing agency

Let’s get straight into what you must do as a client when hiring a mobile app marketing agency. Below are some points you must consider:

1. Know your goals

Companies want to market their apps with a healthy budget, but they don’t have any prime goals or objectives in mind, leading to catastrophic failures in the end. It is necessary for every organization to know and understand its goals. Weed out unethical digital marketing agencies by planning the vision of your partnership with the organization.

Know your goals and identify what you want with this partnership? Do you want more sales? More leads? Better marketing collateral? A new website? Understanding your core requirements will help you focus on different segments.

2. Learn about all the services they provide

Digital marketing companies offer a plethora of services to suit all your marketing needs but do you need all the services at once? You would want to get a dedicated expert for certain services like ASO or PPC. However, in digital marketing, most skills are fed off from the same sets.

For instance, the expertise needed in website development and landing page development is the same, so you can customize your package accordingly. Other than this, explore their services; you might not know what your digital marketing agency is holding up its sleeves that might be useful for your company’s growth.

3. Research about their clientele

Researching the clientele tops the list of tips for hiring a marketing agency. The mobile app marketing agency you work for must have experience with businesses of your size and industry. Take a look at their official website and explore their portfolio section. Also, check out reviews on the web and scout their social media presence to see how business owners like you have experienced their services.

4. Set KPIs and your involvement

Most businesses require limited involvement on their end in the whole marketing process, whereas a few clients want to be involved at each step of the process. Either way, it is essential to let your app marketing company know your involvement and accessibility so they can plan resources and timeframe processes accordingly. You must set KPIs to understand what results you are getting at the end of the month, quarter, half-yearly or more. These KPIs can help you track the progress of your marketing efforts at a more comprehensive level.

5. Establish a communication plan

It’s easy to share a few messages over Whatsapp or mail the details of the packages. However, when you onboard a digital marketing agency, it is essential to establish a communication plan as important messages can get lost in the thread. Adhere to a professional method of communication to ensure all agreements, data, and conversations are comprehensively saved.

Don’ts of hiring an app marketing agency

Now that you are familiar with the Do’s, it’s time to look into the key things you must avoid when hiring a digital marketing agency.

1. Don’t go for a lower price

Most digital marketing agencies offer low prices on their services to lure in more clients. However, you must not choose an app marketing company because it provides low service costs. Carry out your research for skills and expertise and plan your budget to land on the right marketing agency.

2. Don’t assume they understand your personal profiles

The hired marketing team won’t understand your marketing personas, customer needs, pain points, and fears right at the beginning. If your in-house marketing or analysts have developed personas, it will be great to share with your marketing team and help them build better working strategies. It can help them build out keywords and documentation, knowing audience personas, core values, mission statement, USP, and more.

3. Don’t rush to approve

Once you are working with the organization, the ASO team comes up with a long and comprehensive list of keywords for the next campaign. Don’t rush to approve them to quickly start with the marketing campaign. Assess the keywords based on your brand strategy and brand messages. You know what’s best for your business, so take extra time to review the work presented to you to give final approval.

4. Don’t be scared to ask questions

There is no shame in understanding your marketing partner’s strategy and processes. If you are new to digital marketing, you probably have multiple questions. Even if you know the marketing pros, you still have questions regarding the strategies and processes. The critical point is to know your digital marketing company in and out to better assess the pool of competitors.


As the app number continues to grow, the challenges for app marketing continue to grow. If you find a good firm with expert people who understand your business objectives to the core, there are good chances for immense growth. To find a suitable digital marketing agency, research the top mobile app marketing agencies and hire a digital marketing company that suits your budget, requirements, and expectations.




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