How to Find the Right Technology Partner and Build Things

4 min readDec 22, 2022


How to Find the Right Technology Partner and Build Things

Selecting the right business technology partner is necessary for the success of your tech startup. But what is a tech startup? A Tech startup is a young entrepreneurial company whose goal is to bring technology products or services into the market. Finding and selecting a technology leader is one of the earliest and most important decisions you need to make to secure your business capital. Now, again the question arises- why do you need to find a technology solution partner?

So, you have a great business idea and a complete launch plan. You are sure the idea will be appreciated in the market as prospective customers are waiting for your product or service. But to launch a SaaS startup without tech experience is challenging. You need to find a technology partner and build things from scratch. To find the trusted technology and gain the necessary support for your startup’s technical side, it’s a must to know about top technology resellers and partners. Partner with someone who is an amalgamation of tech and business, not just regular coders as they can be responsible for a multitude of things such as:

  • Product architecture
  • Partner development plan
  • Vetting and managing a development team
  • Shaping development strategy
  • Project’s tech stack
  • Dealing with customers

Now that you’re familiar with what is a tech startup and the need to find a trusted technology partner. It’s time to know how to find a business partner for a startup.

How to Find a Business Partner for a Startup

As a startup, you are most likely to focus on product development. Your tech partner must know how to deliver a product and maintain balance relationships. Here’s how to find a business partner for a startup.


Getting in touch with people is necessary. You can use your personal network to connect with the right people. It can be your colleagues, school, university friends, and even family members. Also, you can use professional networks like LinkedIn and Twitter to find experienced and reliable tech partners that

Hackathons and conferences

Hackathons and conferences are popular sources where you can meet real investors. You can communicate with a bunch of people to understand how they communicate and their problem-solving skills and find suitable tech partners for your business startups. Not only this, you can be a part of university events to promote your product/services and a professional network. However, you must ensure that the hackathons and conferences you attend are directly related to your business domain. It will help you save both time and meet the right people.

Startup Incubators or accelerators

Startup incubators such as Y combinator and 500 startups help entrepreneurs find similar yet not alike people and raise investments. They take inexperienced entrepreneurs with excellent ideas and help them with investments in exchange for less equity. You can also ask for referrals if you cannot find the right technology partner for startups.

Online resources

There are ample resources available on the internet to find someone to build with. For instance, you can check Co-foundersLab, Founders Nation, Upwork, and Angelist to find the right partner. These partners can teach their own to collaborate with startups and build something worthwhile and dominant in the current market.

Building the Product

Now that you know how to find the right technology partner for startups. It’s time to understand the steps to help you build a better scalable solution. Here is a step-by-step process guide that will help you:

Research and validate your idea.

While researching more about your idea, make sure to put your customers first. What are the problems, what do you wish to solve, and how will the app solve them? Is it feasible? Also, make sure to validate your idea in real time. Create an expected timeline to deliver the solution, find the technology on which the product will be developed, and do other essential things.

Create your development strategy

Your technology solution must go through checks and balances in the overall development process. A rigid plan with a defined timeline and milestones will help you rapidly deliver a reliable product. Find business partners for the startup and create a detailed development strategy.

Build and validate your MVP

Next is developing a minimum viable product. Starting things at a minimum is necessary as it will help you and your technology partner save time and money. Build an MVP with essential features that give the idea of your overall product. Validate your MVP with investors, a segregated group of users, and experienced professionals to get real-time feedback.

Start with full-scale product development.

If the results of your MVP development are perfect, you can move on to the next level. You can start with full-scale development. It’s the phase where your product gets ready for users in the market. During the full-scale development, you must also focus on testing, as no user want to experience bugs while using an app.

Launching your product

Market your product beforehand and launch your product in the market with massive app marketing strategies in place. Launching your product is not your end goal, as you must always focus on maintaining your product to deliver the best services.

Wrapping Up!

Hope the information shared about how to find a business partner for a startup. The startup economy is incessantly growing with new trends and technologies. IoT, blockchain, and AI technology are fuelling the growth of startups. Several IoT app development companies are focused on partnering with young startups and providing them with the proper technical support and guidance that can help them turn their ideas into reality.




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